Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Industrialization Of The United States Essay - 2242 Words

The United States has always housed two types of people: those who embrace change and those who resist it. From loyalists and revolutionaries in the eighteenth century to democrats and republicans in the twenty-first, changing economic tides and social conditions often spark factions in this nation. In the case of the Antebellum period, new technology and working environments caused turmoil. In a few short decades, the country would be locked in a civil war. However, before that came a series of religious and reform movements. Some of these movements would grow into national conversations, but began first with small groups. In Antebellum America, industrialization caused a breakdown in social structure, especially norms of class, gender, and race. This led to middle and upper class men in the North and the South using similar strategies to resist social change. Industrialization also allowed alternative voices to advocate for entirely new dynamics of power surrounding class, gender, and race. Industrialization in the North caused social upheaval with the assistance of transportation innovation and the commercialization of agriculture. Paul E. Johnson uses Rochester, New York in the Antebellum period as a microcosm of the changes occurring in the North. He explains, â€Å"The loss of social control began, paradoxically, with the imposition of new and tighter controls over the process of labor.† This control over the process of labor sparked from the need to manufacture more goodsShow MoreRelatedIndustrialization During The United States1056 Words   |  5 PagesIndustrialization in the Unites States occurred between 1850 and 1950. It was the approach from the United States to become larger with enhanced technology to produce a life which cost less and was more efficient. 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